SURVEY(8) Compaq Computer Corporation SURVEY(8) NAME survey - Compaq Survey Utility SYNOPSIS survey [OPTION] [LEVEL] [TIME] [FILE] [PATH] DESCRIPTION The Compaq Survey Utility is an online information- gathering agent that runs on Compaq ProLiant servers. It gathers critical hardware and software information from various sources and saves it to a text file. This utility was designed to facilitate the resolution of problems without taking the server off-line, thus maximizing server availability. You can use the Compaq Survey Utility to perform the following functions: -View the server's hardware and software configuration -Compare historical configurations of the severs -Capture a new configuration sample The Compaq Survey Utility is normally configured to run shortly after the OS loads and at specified time intervals. This helps to ensure that the latest information and change history are always recorded and available when needed. You can modify the data-gathering interval by modifying the command line parameters or through the web browser interface. The Compaq Survey Utility includes a web browser interface (surveywebd) in addition to the command-line interface. The browser interface enables the utility to be configured and the survey output information to be viewed from a local or remote system. This output information can also be accessed in the /var/compaq/survey directory. SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS This version of the Compaq Survey Utility has been tested and supported on the Compaq products as outlined in our Operating System Support Matrix and Storage Option Support Matrix linked below. These links will also provide the current linux distributions and versions that Compaq supports. OPTIONS -v [Level] Verbosity of output where Level is an integer 1..5. Level 1 is the most filtered level, 5 is the most verbose. The default value is set to 3. -s mmhhddMMDD Schedule automatic execution. mmhhddMMDD mm=minute, hh=hour, dd=day, MM=month, DD=Day of Week. Use a single * for don't care fields and all fields must be two digts (02 instead of 2). See example below. NOTE: This command simply adds an entry to your crontab. For more information on crontab type 'man crontab'. -u Unschedule of survey running NOTE: This command will remove all entries in your crontab that refer to "/opt/compaq/survey/survey". -c FILE1 [FILE2] Compare a file to the current output or if two files are specified compare the files without genA­B erating a new report. -t Output to the terminal NOTE: -t and -o cannot be used together. -o FILE Specify name of the output file. Default is formed using the current date at: /var/compaq/survey/survA­B eyCCYY-MM-DD-HH-mm-ss.txt (CC=Century, YY=Year, MM=Month, DD=Day, HH=Hour, mm=minute, ss=second). -f If the output file, specified with the -o option, exists it will be overwritten. NOTE: If no -o opA­B tion is specified this option is ignored. -w Starts the daemon that will enable viewing of surA­B vey output through the web. -?, -h Display help. THEORY OF OPERATION The Compaq Survey Utility captures data as sessions, each stored in an individual text file. A session is defined as an organized group of data describing the configured state of the system at a specific point in time. The session information is maintained in a file called surveyCCYY-MM- DD-HH-mm-ss.txt (the double letters represent the date and time when survey was run) located in /var/compaq/survey/. WEB INTERFACE The Compaq Survey Utility allows the viewing of reports from a web browser. Before the browser can be used the Survey web daemon must be started. This can be accomA­B plished in one of two ways. 1) Run survey with the -w option. ie. /opt/compaq/survey/survey -w 2) Run the Survey Web Daemon directly. ie. /opt/compaq/survey/surveywebd The survey reports are viewable from a web browser on http port 2301. Example URL: NOTE: Make sure the network and the browser is setup for correct name resolution. ie. /etc/hosts or DNS. Security: The Compaq Survey web daemon supports the folA­B lowing login accounts. The passwords shown here are the default settings. Account User Name Password User user public Operator operator operator Administrator adiminstrator administrator NOTE: These are the only accounts available and cannot be changed except for the passwords. NOTE: Anonymous access to information is available withA­B out logging in when the device home page is launched for the first time. NOTE: You must has Administrator or Operator access to capture a new configuration report or change the sampling schedule from the web browser. See and search for "foundation agents" for more information about the security of the Survey web daeA­B mon. EXAMPLES This command will run survey without any parameters. It will default to verbostiy level 3 and the output file will be in /var/compaq/survey. survey This command will schedule survey to gather data every Wednesday at 06:15 AM. survey -s 1506**04 This command will force the creation of with verbosity level 5. survey -v 5 -f -o This command will compare two previously generated sesA­B sions. survey -c survey.data1 survey.data2 NOTE To retrieve certain information the device drivers must be installed and loaded on the host system. For example: If there are Compaq IDA controllers installed in the system but the cpqarray.o module is not loaded, the controller information cannot be retrieved. FILES /opt/compaq/survey/survey /opt/compaq/survey/surveywebd /opt/compaq/survey/survey.ids /opt/compaq/survey/ REPORTING BUGS Report bugs to . COPYRIGHT Copyright A©B 2001 Compaq Computer Corporation. All rights reserved. SEE ALSO p The Compaq ROM Driver (crom.o) allows survey to obtain more information, such as the Compaq Integrated Management Log. It is available as part of the health driver package from Compaq Survey Utility January 2001 1