MSA FLASH USER GUIDE The MSA Flash Utility identifies all MSA1000's and MSA Fabric Switch 6's visible to the host. The utility's primary purpose is to upgrade controller, Environmental Monitoring Unit (EMU), and embedded switch firmware. FLASH INSTRUCTIONS Click the "Find MSA" button to discover all MSA1000 Controllers and Switches before flashing any firmware. For each MSA Fabric Switch 6 that requires a firmware update: * Click on "Options > Switches" at the top of the application window. * Select the desired Fabric Switch from the list. * Flash the Fabric Switch firmware using the proper file from the table below. * Wait for the flash process to complete (approx. 5 minutes). * After the flash is complete, the switch will automatically be reset. For each MSA1000 Controller that requires a firmware update: * Select the desired controller from the list. * Flash the MSA1000 firmware using the proper file from the table below. * Wait for the flash process to complete. (approx 20 seconds). * Reset the MSA1000 controller using the MSA Flash utility. * Wait for the controller to reset. (approx. 1 minute). * Flash the EMU firmware using the proper file from the table below. * Wait for the flash process to complete. (approx. 3 minutes). No reset is required after flashing the EMU module. FIRMWARE TABLE v238b122.bin MSA1000 Controller firmware G186half.bin MSA1000 EMU firmware CP101G12.bin Fabric Switch 6 firmware OPERATION Device discovery is performed by clicking on the FIND MSA button. After discovery is completed, one or more MSA 1000's will appear in the central list box (Note: The FIND MSA button must be selected in order to identify embedded switches). WHAT HAPPENS DURING MSA FLASHING? Flashing the controller firmware takes considerably less time then flashing the EMU firmware (5 seconds vs. 3-5 minutes). During controller firmware flashing, the following messages will be displayed on the MSA 1000's LCD panel: FIRMWARE FLASH STARTED, FIRMWARE FLASH DONE. During EMU flashing, the following messages will be displayed on the LCD: EMU FLASH STARTED, EMU FLASH DONE. The MSA needs to be reset to load the new controller firmware; therefore, it's recommended that you perform controller firmware upgrades during quiescent periods to minimize the impact of lost storage connectivity. WHAT HAPPENS DURING EMBEDDED SWITCH FLASHING? Flashing the embedded switch firmware takes approximately 2-3 minutes; after the flash is complete the switch will automatically reset in order to load the new firmware images. Since a reset takes place, it's recommended that switch upgrades occur during quiescent periods to minimize the impact of lost storage connectivity. MENU CONTROLS FILE > CLEAR - This will close any open child windows and clear the MSA list. FILE > EXIT - This will exit the program. OPTIONS > SWITCHES - After clicking the FIND MSA button and device discovery is complete, this will display a list of all embedded switches that have been identified. If no switches are present, a pop-up message will indicate this. MSA CONTROLS FIND MSA - Clicking this button initiates device discovery. Note: If this button has not been selected first, no switches will be identified. MSA LIST BOX - This box will display all of the MSA 1000's identified during the device scan. For each MSA identified, the chassis serial number, system name, controller ROM revision, EMU revision, and fibre channel address will be displayed. BLINK ON - This command will blink the hard drive LED's to allow the MSA1000 to be easily located. BLINK OFF - This command will turn the blinking hard drive LED's off. FLASH ME - Flashes the highlighted MSA's in the list box. This button is used to flash the MSA controller firmware and the EMU firmware. After clicking on this button, a file selection window will be displayed. After the file is selected and the OK button is clicked, the flash will start. RESET ME - Clicking on this button, resets the highlighted MSA's in the list box. After flashing the controller firmware, a reset will need to be performed in order to load the new firmware image. MORE INFO - In case of service related issues, clicking on this button will display additional information relating to the MSA controller's highlighted in the list box. SWITCH CONTROLS SWITCH LIST BOX - This box will display all of the Compaq Fabric Switch 6's identified during the device scan. For each embedded switch identified, the switch name, Worldwide Node Name, and ROM revision will be displayed. BLINK LEDS - This button will flash the LED's of the selected switches for approximately 30 seconds for identification purposes. After the 30 second time period, the switch LED's will stop flashing. FLASH ME - Flashes the highlighted switches in the list box. This control is used to flash the embedded switch's firmware. After clicking on this button, a file selection window will be displayed. After the file is selected and the OK button is clicked, the flash will start. A pop-up message will be displayed after the flashing procedure indicating success or failure. MORE INFO - Clicking on this button will display the switch name, IP address, IP subnet mask, and IP gateway for each switch highlighted in the list box. SET IP - This control will display a new window that allows the user to enter IP configuration information. After filling out the fields, clicking on OK will set the IP parameters for all highlighted switches in the list box. If the entry is invalid, an error message will be displayed.