Smart Storage Diagnostics 2017-12-04 Usage: ssaducli [ -adu | -ssd | -val | -logs ] [ command-specific options ] -adu : ADU Report Generation Generate a complete report and save to zipfile: reportFileName. ssaducli -adu -f reportFileName [ -v ] [ -slot < controller slot number > ] -v : Verbose output. -slot : Report for the controller at this slot. Generate a standard text report and save to file: textReportFileName. ssaducli -adu -txt [ -f textReportFileName ] [ -v ] -f textReportFileName : Save output to textReportFileName. -v : Verbose output. -ssd : Smart SSD Wear Gauge Report Generation Generate a complete report and save to zipfile: reportFileName. ssaducli -ssd -f reportFileName [ -v ] [ -slot < controller slot number > ] -v : Verbose output. -slot : Report for the controller at this slot. Generate a standard text report and save to file: textReportFileName. ssaducli -ssd -txt [ -f textReportFileName ] [ -v ] -f textReportFileName : Save output to textReportFileName. -v : Verbose output. -val : ADU and Smart SSD Wear Gauge Report Validation ssaducli -val -f reportFileName [ -v ] -v : Output validation results. Command return codes: 0: Report File is Valid. 1: Report File cannot be validated: Checksum file is corrupt. 2: Report File cannot be validated: The report file is not a ZIP archive. 3: Report File is Invalid: The archive is incomplete, or one of the files failed the validation tests. 4: Report File cannot be validated: Checksum file not found. -logs : Capturing Serial/Basecode Logs ssaducli -logs -f logFileName [ -slot < controller slot number > ] -slot : capture for a single controller designated by slot