HP Insight Diagnostics Version Copyright (c) 2002, 2005 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. Syntax: hpdiags [options] Valid options: -l languageCode options: en, fr, it, de, es, ja (Default: en) -v [Level] Verbosity level of output between 1 and 5. where 1 is the most terse level and 5 is the most verbose. The default value is set to 5. -s mmhhddMMDD Schedule automatic execution of survey captures. mm=minute(0-59), hh=hour(0-23), dd=day(1-31), MM=month(1-12), DD=weekday(0-6) All fields must be two digits (e.g. 02 instead of 2). Use a single `*` for don`t care fields. NOTE: If you use `*` you must use double-quotes around the date/time value. (e.g. -s "0023***") -u Unschedule automatic execution of survey captures. -c FILE1 [FILE2] Compare a survey file to the current configuration or, if two files are specified, compare the files. -t Output to the terminal. May not be used with -o. -o FILE Specify output file name. By default, a file name is formed using the current date and time in this format: "surveyYYYY-MM-DD-hh-mm-ss.xml" (YYYY=year, MM=month, DD=day, hh=hour, mm=minute, ss=second) May not be used with -t. -f Overwrite output file if it already exists. NOTE: If no -o option is specified this option is ignored. -? , -h Display this help message.